Here's the background. When I was a year old, my father was a police officer in Royal Oak and was hit by a drunk driver while my father was directing traffic at an accident site. My dad was severely injured and spent 38 days in the hospital, and has never been the same since. The person this hit him recieved a $75 fine and a 30 days suspended license.
Through the years, he has written my dad. He is in AA (and still appears to be from what I can google) and he seemed to be genuinely remorseful over what happened.
But I want to meet him.
Talk to him.
Find out who he is.
How he feels.
I don't hate him, and I don't want to cause him pain, but I do want to know what his spin on things is.
I'm not sure what I would say to him, or even how to approach him. I tried this back in the 90s. He was working the AA help line and I talked to him on the phone, although now I can not tell you what I said or what he said.
Why do I want to do this? Should I? Does he own me this? Do I have a right to ask?