What am I thankful for?
I know, its hokie, but every year at this time I follow the ol' cliché and think/list what I am thankful for. It's like a ritual for me. Giving me time to reflect on the year and on my life and look at the positives. Some days we can get bogged down in what we wish we could change (and what we are in the process of changing), but this week is for being thankful for what I have.
I am thankful for my husband, who supports me no matter what, knows his crazy wife will do crazy things and can be unreasonable in her desires to do it all. He helps me and guides me to do it all.
I am thankful for my son who accepts me as his mom, who understands when I am not the perfect parent, and who is a pretty darn good kid in spite of our occasional failings as leaders in his life.
I am thankful for my father who has always told me that there isn't anything in this world I can't do. He has always supported me, loved me and guided me, and while I acknowledge, like Edward's parents, he is/was not perfect, but he did a damn fine job of raising me and my brother, and continues to be there for us, and also to be our friend.
I am thankful for my brother, who is my inspiration. I have always looked up to him, and admired his drive. He is a go getter and does what he sets out to do. I hope to one day be half as good a nurse as he is.
I am thankful for my friends who I can call on at any moment, day or night. I am very blessed with some incredible people in my world and know that the universe has smiled on me when these incredible people were put in my path to walk beside me.
I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, have the few meager items that I can call mine, and know I am secure in my environment. Whenever I start to feel lacking materialistically, God throws something in my way to make me realize how fortunate I am. Katrina and Rita did that this year.
Speaking of hurricanes... I am thankful that I had the opportunity to go to
I am thankful that there are others out there that felt as I did, and also volunteered their time to help out in
I find in reviewing what I have just written that the things I am thankful for aren't "things" for the most part, but people. I have always known that people are the most important part of my life. I hope they know that. I'm glad I do.
One last thanksgiving thought to note... Just like last year, this year the turkey took far less time to cook than I thought. Note to self... A 16# fresh turkey can cook in my electric roaster in 90 minutes. Well, I guess I am also thankful for electronic blogs. Next year perhaps I will remember to check this post before putting the bird on the fire. I know my guests will be thankful for that.