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Ghandi was a great man and walked everywhere he went so the skin on his feet became very cracked and hard, and due to continual hunger strikes was fraile but maintained his amazing almost supernatural gifts of peace and understanding, but again due to his eating habbits his breath was horrible. So Ghandi was a...

My Photo
Location: Clawson, Michigan, United States

I am proud to say I am a Mother, a Daughter, a Student, an Employee, a Minister, a Healer, a Poet, a Cynic, an Activist, and many more things that change on a moment-by-moment basis. I live in constant amazement of this adventure we call life, and acknowledges that while the road may be bumpy, the ride is exciting. I graduated from the Registered Nurse program at Alpena Community College in May 2004. In August 2010 I received my BSN and the, ever the glutton for punishment I went back to school and obtained my MBA with a specialization in Healthcare Administration in May 2012. I am contemplating going on for my PhD APRN. If I decide to do that... SHOOT ME! I am a manager for a not for profit hospice agency based in Michigan, but the position allows me to work remotely so I may be traveling a lot over the next few years. I battled and defeated breast cancer and now I am living life to the fullest!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I'm Baaaaack

A dear friend gently reminded me that I should be blogging. Life has been extremely hectic, and she's right. So, here I go.

Not sure where to begin but with a synopsis of the last 6 weeks or so.

Had my mamogram
Got called in for more pictures and an ultrasound
Friday July 1, found out I needed a biopsy at 17:20
Same day, found out my grandmother died in Florida at 20:30
Friends moved away :(
Flew to Floriday Sunday July 3
Funeral Tuesday July 5
Back to Detroit Thursday July 7
Drive to Chicago Sunday July 10
To Wisconsin for F/U appt at UW for Paul
Home and to work
Lumpectomy Aug 2
Good results August 3

Hmmm, been busy.

I will blog these items seperately over the days to come.

actually, I'll start now...


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