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Ghandi was a great man and walked everywhere he went so the skin on his feet became very cracked and hard, and due to continual hunger strikes was fraile but maintained his amazing almost supernatural gifts of peace and understanding, but again due to his eating habbits his breath was horrible. So Ghandi was a...

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Location: Clawson, Michigan, United States

I am proud to say I am a Mother, a Daughter, a Student, an Employee, a Minister, a Healer, a Poet, a Cynic, an Activist, and many more things that change on a moment-by-moment basis. I live in constant amazement of this adventure we call life, and acknowledges that while the road may be bumpy, the ride is exciting. I graduated from the Registered Nurse program at Alpena Community College in May 2004. In August 2010 I received my BSN and the, ever the glutton for punishment I went back to school and obtained my MBA with a specialization in Healthcare Administration in May 2012. I am contemplating going on for my PhD APRN. If I decide to do that... SHOOT ME! I am a manager for a not for profit hospice agency based in Michigan, but the position allows me to work remotely so I may be traveling a lot over the next few years. I battled and defeated breast cancer and now I am living life to the fullest!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Oma's Crash

I woke up at 1600 yesterday (hey, I work nights) and my husband informed me that his mom had been in a car accident. We were not getting any answers from family in the area (non-medical folks) so I said "We're going." Jump in the car and 230 miles later (in less than 4 hours) we are in Madison Heights on our way up to the ICU. We had been told all she had was a broken wrist and ankle. So why the ICU bed? Turns our she also has a pelvic fracture and chest contusions from the airbag. The Docs are concerned about cardiac contusions, and her advanced age has them a bit cautious as well. Ma's 75, but she acts 50. I forget about her "advanced age".

Seems she ran a red light. Not sure of all the details, but the car is totaled. Someone called from the accident site to inform my BIL of the accident, and he was able to get there before the ambulance took her away. Thank you, who every you are.


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